About Us
Fanatical About Gaming
When we launched Bitcade in 2017, we had one specific goal: to make the best custom arcade machines in the business. Our team has grown over the last few years, but we remain small enough to ensure we still put a special focus on providing the personal care and attention our customers expect.
Born and bred in Bristol where Bitcade are based, our founder, Jack England, had always been a huge gamer. But more than that, he has retained a special passion for the nostalgic gaming experiences of his youth from classic arcade games like Pac-Man, Space Invaders to Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.
After working as an engineer for a few years, Jack decided to follow his passion by making boxes that plugged into the TV and provided users with a way to play retro games. He then taught himself how to use a CNC router, and it wasn’t long before he began to make full lifelike replicas of classic arcade machines.
Fast forward five years and Bitcade is now the UK’s largest producer of custom built arcade machines – and we’re only just getting started.
Our first product was a two-player arcade machine and just a few months later we launched a four-player machine. These two machines can be customised in countless ways so our customers can get exactly what they want.
We are constantly refining our arcade machines and making new products with larger screens. We also make coffee and cocktail table arcade machines, pinball tables, DIY arcade cabinet kits.
As well as our machines, we provide a huge range of accessories so our customers can get the most out of their gaming. This includes everything from cables to USB controllers to light guns. All our machines also have plenty of upgrade options so customers can keep on getting more out of them.
Made in Britain
Bitcade is a small, devoted team based in Bristol and over the last five years we have made it our goal to produce the best custom arcades machines in the business. Set over 12,000 square foot and over 3 units we are now the UK’s largest producer of custom built arcade machines.
Since becoming proud members of Made In Britain, we can’t wait to show off our wide selection of ready to play, as well as, custom made arcade cabinets, Bartop machines and cocktail tables.
What Our Customers Say About Us
Custom Artwork
As well as our ready to ship options, we offer a huge selection of customisation on all of our arcade cabinets. These can range from tiny changes to buttons and lights to complete overhauls of every detail. We’re proud to be able to offer our customers as much or as little customisation as they want.
As well as looking great in a home setting, our machines can showcase different brands in offices, events or even promotions. We’ve worked with some fantastic people over the years such as Amazon, KFC, Activision, Huel, Stafford University and University West of England (UWE). We’ve even had some celebrities involved in the action, supplying custom orders for Gary Barlow and Liverpool striker Firmino.
All of these orders have had bespoke, custom vinyl’s and branding, something we get very excited about. So whether you’re promoting a new 80’s TV show, showing off at a corporate event or simply want to fill some space in your new office, we have everything you need to create the best machine possible.
All custom artwork designs cost an additional £99 and any questions can be sent straight to sales@bitcade.co.uk.